Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What Can We Do To Help?

Just like yesterdays class we talked about the Nike foundation and what they were doing to its employees especially the ones in Indonesia. The employees for Nike that live in Indonesia are treated very unfairly and their pay is not very good either. Mr. Schick and my class discussed the video we watched about this problem yesterday and also talked about what we could possibly to do help. One of the ways we said we could help is to not buy anymore apparel, shoes, or equipment from Nike. We argued a little about that though because we all really like Nike and it would be hard to not buy anymore apparel or equipment from them. We also discussed and did some math to figure out how much money the workers get paid in a year. It was around 1,100$. We all said and agreed that what the managers of Nike are doing to the workers is unfair and needs to be stopped.

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