Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Student Teacher

Class today was a little different than usual. Since Mr. Schick wanted us to be more involved and talk more so he thought of a really good idea. He asked the class if anyone wanted to teach the class for today! My friend Steven raised his hand and was picked to be the teacher of the day. So, Steven stepped up in the front of the class and started to go over our lesson we started yesterday. We were talking about the philosopher Socrates. Steven asked us a bunch of questions about him and what he did and surprisingly we all started to talk more and participate more! Some people were still a little shy but that's okay. Fortunately, Mr. Schick was a lot happier today with the amount of participation than he was the other few days. I would really like to have another day where one of my classmates or I get to be the teacher because it was fun and we participated and talked a lot more!

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