Thursday, September 5, 2013

Facts that mean something to me

Today in class we had to watch a video called "Did You Know?". During the video we had to write down three facts that meant something to us. My first fact that meant something to me was that during the four minutes of the video we watched about 62 babies in the US were born. That fact meant something to me because it shows that the population in the US is growing and I think that is a great thing. Another fact that meant something to me is that the US ranks 28th in the world in broadband internet penetration. I know there is a lot more places that are ahead of us but it is still a really good place! Finally, my last fact is that about 4,000 books are made a day! That meant the most to me because the more books that are made the more will be able to go to different schools and will help out with children getting the education they need. Out of the whole video those facts meant the most to me.

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