Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Moving On to a New Section

Since we took our first test for the first section of the chapter it's time to move on to the second section! We spent todays class looking at a powerpoint our teacher made and copying a few notes and vocab words into our note books. A couple of words we talked about is emigration and immigration. One of the notes that surprised me is that there are 7 billion people on earth! I feel that 7 billion is a lot but I always thought there would be more people on earth. We also talked about the National Death Rate the National Birth Rate. I usually don't like copying notes but since we didn't have to copy a lot down I thought it was okay. I thought it was a lot easier that when we were looking at the powerpoint we didn't have to copy down every note that was on the board and Mr. Schick told us the important stuff and we only had to copy down what he said. The vocabulary words we had to know luckily were pretty easy to understand and if we have a vocab quiz on these words I think I will do well on it.

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