Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nike Is Not As Good As It Seems

Today in class we were talking about the brand Nike. Everyone loves to wear Nike because it's cool and everyone has it but not many people know whats going on during the making process. Jim Keady and a friend of his Leslie Kretzu traveled to Indonesia to visit the people who live there and especially the ones that work for Nike. Jim went to Indonesia to prove that the working situation there is horrible and we need to do something about it. The people of Indonesia had a very hard life. The ones working for Nike are only paid 1.25$ a day and had to work a ton more extra hours just to get the amount of money that would supply them with food and other necessities that would help support them and their families. Jim and Leslie tried to live the way the people in Indonesia did and they couldn't do it because it was so hard. Leslie ended up getting sick with a fever of 104 degrees and if she got medicine the amount she would have to pay for it would mean she would have to miss two meals that day. The conditions are very hard there and I feel horrible for the people in Indonesia, we need to do something to help them.

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