Monday, September 2, 2013

Vocab Definitions

Agora- an agora is an open space used for markets and assemblies
Arete- a mountain range
Polis- a city state in ancient Greece it is considered in its ideal form for its philosophical purposes
The year of 508 BC- the sixth century BC started the first day of 600 BC and ended the last day of 501 BC
Socrates- He was an ancient Athenian philosopher
the death of Socrates- Socrates died because he was criticizing critias. Because of this the Tyrant of Athens was so mad and told Scorates he can either drink a cup of poison or he can be faced exile.
The Socratic Method- it is a method created by Scorates were you will ask yourself a question and you will answer so that way it can create a stimulate critical thinking.
What the Ancient Greeks meant when they called you an idiot- The Ancient Greeks called you that because you were a private person and that is what idiot meant in Ancient times.

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