Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jevan The Teacher

In class on Thursday we decided to have another student teacher! We chose Jevan to be the teacher. Since Jevan was chosen he got to sit in the front of the class and teach us. On Wednesday, we had to get in groups and had to answer 25 questions. Once Jevan got to the front of the room he opened his laptop and decided that we were going to go over all the questions we had to answer on Wednesday. Whenever there is a student teacher the class isn't as calm as it usually is when Mr. Schick teaches. We stayed as calm as we could and Jevan has the class under control, most of the time. When Jevan would as the question we would all raise our hands to answer and he would call on one of us. I still enjoy having a student teacher, it's so much fun! I don't think we should have a student teacher more than twice a week though because we still need to learn what Mr. Schick is required to teach us.

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