Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering 9/11

Today was a very important day to remember all those who lost their lives and to pray for the families of the 9/11 victims and for those who thankfully made it out alive. In class we spent the first couple minutes talking about what happened today 12 years ago. We talked about the hijacking of the planes and what had happened on them and after they hit the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Even though I barely remember anything about what had happened it is still a very important and special day to me I will never forget. Some of the people in my class shared stories about some of their relatives who had meetings in one of the buildings that either got canceled or re-scheduled and luckily did not get hurt from what had happened that day. I will always remember what happened 12 years ago today and will always pray for the ones who lost their life and for their families.

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