Thursday, September 19, 2013

First Quiz Of The Year!

Tomorrow is our first quiz! Sadly, I don't think anyone including me is looking forward to it. Since it is our first quiz we needed to know what information we needed to study. So, Mr. Schick said that after we presented he would tell us what we needed to know and recommended we should take some notes. After we presented our power point presentations to the class we went over what we needed to know for tomorrow. We need to know information about Socarates, a Greek philosopher, The letter to Garcia, information about the Greeks, what we went over for the last couple days about Nike, and some vocabulary.  We all participated by raising out hands and said something we learned like a vocab word and what it meant or something about globalization or Socrates. Hopefully I will do very good on it. I took great notes and I am going to study hard tonight. I need to do my best so hopefully my studying will pay off!

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