Thursday, September 12, 2013

Human Geo class with a little Religion lesson

Today in class we talked a little about Religion. It was almost like a religion class instead of a human geo class! We talked about the story of Sal and how he was blinded for three days until he started spreading the word of God and eventually his sight was back. I forgot about the story at first but once I heard it again I started to remember it and I realized that it was one of my favorite stories. The prodigal son is my favorite story though. After we were done talking about the story we looked at a website Mr. Schick showed us  and took some notes. There were some pictures on the website like a giant McDonald's and KFC that my friend Steven really liked! I thought it was cool to see a KFC and McDonald's in one big building! I think human geo is a fun class and thankfully more and more everyday people are starting to participate!

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