Sunday, September 8, 2013

Another student teacher

On class Friday, Mr. Schick decided that before we went over our homework from Thursday that another student was going to teach the class. He picked my friend Carly. Once Carly got up in front of the class Mr. Schick told her to start teaching. At first Carly didn't know what to do but then she decided to talk about our homework. We were supposed to write down facts that meant something to us from a video we watched on Thursday. Without Mr. Schick asking, more people in my class started to participate and talk a lot more. We all had to talk at least once and name one of the facts we thought meant something to us. After we went over homework we took the last couple minutes to talk about our other classes with Mr. Schick. Luckily more people were talking and I like the idea of having one of my classmates teach the class, it makes the class a lot more fun!

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