Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jevan The Teacher

In class on Thursday we decided to have another student teacher! We chose Jevan to be the teacher. Since Jevan was chosen he got to sit in the front of the class and teach us. On Wednesday, we had to get in groups and had to answer 25 questions. Once Jevan got to the front of the room he opened his laptop and decided that we were going to go over all the questions we had to answer on Wednesday. Whenever there is a student teacher the class isn't as calm as it usually is when Mr. Schick teaches. We stayed as calm as we could and Jevan has the class under control, most of the time. When Jevan would as the question we would all raise our hands to answer and he would call on one of us. I still enjoy having a student teacher, it's so much fun! I don't think we should have a student teacher more than twice a week though because we still need to learn what Mr. Schick is required to teach us.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

CIA Fact Book questions

  1. What is the population of the United States?                                   
  2. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?                              
     China, India, United  States, Indonesia, and Brazil
  3. What is the population of Pakistan?                                 193,238,868
  4. What kind of government does the United States have?                                         Constitutional-based Federal republic; strong democratic tradition  
  5. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?                                             95%
  6. What is the largest country in the world by area?       Russia
  7. What country has the third greatest number of airports?
  1. What country has the greatest number of exports?
           European Union
  1. What country exports more oil than any other?
           Saudi Arabia
  1. What country imports more oil than any other?
           United States
  1. What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world?
  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?
What is GDP?        Gross domestic product or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year
  1. What country has the highest GDP per capital in the world, and how much is it?
  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?
  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent
  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found
in which continent?    
  1. What other country is in the top ten?
  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths                                                         Ranked 18th
  2. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?
            No it is ranked number 3
  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?
            23.9%  is Roman Catholic
  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?
            82.7% is Roman Catholic
  1. What is Net Migration Rate?
            An excess of persons entering the country during a year is referred to as net immigration
  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?
            No it is ranked 29th
  1. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Moving On to a New Section

Since we took our first test for the first section of the chapter it's time to move on to the second section! We spent todays class looking at a powerpoint our teacher made and copying a few notes and vocab words into our note books. A couple of words we talked about is emigration and immigration. One of the notes that surprised me is that there are 7 billion people on earth! I feel that 7 billion is a lot but I always thought there would be more people on earth. We also talked about the National Death Rate the National Birth Rate. I usually don't like copying notes but since we didn't have to copy a lot down I thought it was okay. I thought it was a lot easier that when we were looking at the powerpoint we didn't have to copy down every note that was on the board and Mr. Schick told us the important stuff and we only had to copy down what he said. The vocabulary words we had to know luckily were pretty easy to understand and if we have a vocab quiz on these words I think I will do well on it.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Finished the Test

Today we had our first test and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. We have ten multiple choice questions that were not hard at all ans then three essays. The essays were more difficult than the multiple choice but I still think I did pretty good. The three essays were about Socrates, Globalization and infrastructure. The easiest essay for me was the one about Socrates. We had to explain what his famous saying meant to us. His famous saying is "the unexamined life is not worth living." I think I understood that saying pretty well and I explained it very well on my test. The other essays were more difficult but I tried my best and put down the best answer I could think of. I took my time studying last night and made sure I knew all the information about the notes we took in class. I think I did well on the test and I hope i get a good grade to start off the year.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

First Quiz Of The Year!

Tomorrow is our first quiz! Sadly, I don't think anyone including me is looking forward to it. Since it is our first quiz we needed to know what information we needed to study. So, Mr. Schick said that after we presented he would tell us what we needed to know and recommended we should take some notes. After we presented our power point presentations to the class we went over what we needed to know for tomorrow. We need to know information about Socarates, a Greek philosopher, The letter to Garcia, information about the Greeks, what we went over for the last couple days about Nike, and some vocabulary.  We all participated by raising out hands and said something we learned like a vocab word and what it meant or something about globalization or Socrates. Hopefully I will do very good on it. I took great notes and I am going to study hard tonight. I need to do my best so hopefully my studying will pay off!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What Can We Do To Help?

Just like yesterdays class we talked about the Nike foundation and what they were doing to its employees especially the ones in Indonesia. The employees for Nike that live in Indonesia are treated very unfairly and their pay is not very good either. Mr. Schick and my class discussed the video we watched about this problem yesterday and also talked about what we could possibly to do help. One of the ways we said we could help is to not buy anymore apparel, shoes, or equipment from Nike. We argued a little about that though because we all really like Nike and it would be hard to not buy anymore apparel or equipment from them. We also discussed and did some math to figure out how much money the workers get paid in a year. It was around 1,100$. We all said and agreed that what the managers of Nike are doing to the workers is unfair and needs to be stopped.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nike Is Not As Good As It Seems

Today in class we were talking about the brand Nike. Everyone loves to wear Nike because it's cool and everyone has it but not many people know whats going on during the making process. Jim Keady and a friend of his Leslie Kretzu traveled to Indonesia to visit the people who live there and especially the ones that work for Nike. Jim went to Indonesia to prove that the working situation there is horrible and we need to do something about it. The people of Indonesia had a very hard life. The ones working for Nike are only paid 1.25$ a day and had to work a ton more extra hours just to get the amount of money that would supply them with food and other necessities that would help support them and their families. Jim and Leslie tried to live the way the people in Indonesia did and they couldn't do it because it was so hard. Leslie ended up getting sick with a fever of 104 degrees and if she got medicine the amount she would have to pay for it would mean she would have to miss two meals that day. The conditions are very hard there and I feel horrible for the people in Indonesia, we need to do something to help them.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Our First Project

In class on Friday in the beginning of class we went over some things but then we got assigned our first project! We are allowed to get into groups of three or four and we have to do a slide show about globalization. In my group it is Stephanie, Hailey. Carly and I. We got to start our project in class and we made some good progress! We assigned Hailey and I to find pros on globalization and Carly and Stephanie were assigned to find some cons. Then once we finished what we needed to do we added some more notes and pictures. I really like my group and I think we work great together! It makes it easier since we are all good friends because it makes us work a lot better together. I don't usually like projects but I like this one especially because we get to work with a group. I really hope my group works really well together and I hope we get a really good grade on it!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Human Geo class with a little Religion lesson

Today in class we talked a little about Religion. It was almost like a religion class instead of a human geo class! We talked about the story of Sal and how he was blinded for three days until he started spreading the word of God and eventually his sight was back. I forgot about the story at first but once I heard it again I started to remember it and I realized that it was one of my favorite stories. The prodigal son is my favorite story though. After we were done talking about the story we looked at a website Mr. Schick showed us  and took some notes. There were some pictures on the website like a giant McDonald's and KFC that my friend Steven really liked! I thought it was cool to see a KFC and McDonald's in one big building! I think human geo is a fun class and thankfully more and more everyday people are starting to participate!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering 9/11

Today was a very important day to remember all those who lost their lives and to pray for the families of the 9/11 victims and for those who thankfully made it out alive. In class we spent the first couple minutes talking about what happened today 12 years ago. We talked about the hijacking of the planes and what had happened on them and after they hit the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Even though I barely remember anything about what had happened it is still a very important and special day to me I will never forget. Some of the people in my class shared stories about some of their relatives who had meetings in one of the buildings that either got canceled or re-scheduled and luckily did not get hurt from what had happened that day. I will always remember what happened 12 years ago today and will always pray for the ones who lost their life and for their families.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Group work

In class today we learned something that I thought was really cool! Mr. Schick taught us a way to be able to work on a project or assignment with a group without actually being with them! First we had to go on our google gmail account then set up another account that is linked to our gmail. My group for our first official project is Jasmine, Hailey, Carly, Stephanie and I. We all added ourselves to a group and tested it by creating a group chat and started talking to one another. Mr. Schick told us to come up with a couple questions about the lesson we are learning just to check to see if it is all working. We all came up with our questions and then continued to talk on our little chat. I thought what we learned was really cool and I hope we start to do most of our group projects like this!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Another student teacher

On class Friday, Mr. Schick decided that before we went over our homework from Thursday that another student was going to teach the class. He picked my friend Carly. Once Carly got up in front of the class Mr. Schick told her to start teaching. At first Carly didn't know what to do but then she decided to talk about our homework. We were supposed to write down facts that meant something to us from a video we watched on Thursday. Without Mr. Schick asking, more people in my class started to participate and talk a lot more. We all had to talk at least once and name one of the facts we thought meant something to us. After we went over homework we took the last couple minutes to talk about our other classes with Mr. Schick. Luckily more people were talking and I like the idea of having one of my classmates teach the class, it makes the class a lot more fun!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Facts that mean something to me

Today in class we had to watch a video called "Did You Know?". During the video we had to write down three facts that meant something to us. My first fact that meant something to me was that during the four minutes of the video we watched about 62 babies in the US were born. That fact meant something to me because it shows that the population in the US is growing and I think that is a great thing. Another fact that meant something to me is that the US ranks 28th in the world in broadband internet penetration. I know there is a lot more places that are ahead of us but it is still a really good place! Finally, my last fact is that about 4,000 books are made a day! That meant the most to me because the more books that are made the more will be able to go to different schools and will help out with children getting the education they need. Out of the whole video those facts meant the most to me.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Student Teacher

Class today was a little different than usual. Since Mr. Schick wanted us to be more involved and talk more so he thought of a really good idea. He asked the class if anyone wanted to teach the class for today! My friend Steven raised his hand and was picked to be the teacher of the day. So, Steven stepped up in the front of the class and started to go over our lesson we started yesterday. We were talking about the philosopher Socrates. Steven asked us a bunch of questions about him and what he did and surprisingly we all started to talk more and participate more! Some people were still a little shy but that's okay. Fortunately, Mr. Schick was a lot happier today with the amount of participation than he was the other few days. I would really like to have another day where one of my classmates or I get to be the teacher because it was fun and we participated and talked a lot more!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Vocab discussions

Today in human geo, our class went over our homework we had this past weekend. We had to define a couple of vocabulary words. While we were checking not a lot of people wanted to raise their hand and talk discuss about what they got for the definition. Mr. Schick wasn't very happy with that so he said if we don't participate more we will have to write essays instead. Obviously, no one in the class liked that too much so we started to participate a little more. I hope everyone including myself start to participate in class a lot more because i don't want to write essays for homework!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Vocab Definitions

Agora- an agora is an open space used for markets and assemblies
Arete- a mountain range
Polis- a city state in ancient Greece it is considered in its ideal form for its philosophical purposes
The year of 508 BC- the sixth century BC started the first day of 600 BC and ended the last day of 501 BC
Socrates- He was an ancient Athenian philosopher
the death of Socrates- Socrates died because he was criticizing critias. Because of this the Tyrant of Athens was so mad and told Scorates he can either drink a cup of poison or he can be faced exile.
The Socratic Method- it is a method created by Scorates were you will ask yourself a question and you will answer so that way it can create a stimulate critical thinking.
What the Ancient Greeks meant when they called you an idiot- The Ancient Greeks called you that because you were a private person and that is what idiot meant in Ancient times.