Thursday, October 24, 2013

Time To Study

We finished our notes in class yesterday and today Jasmine got to teach the class. She got all of us talking and discussing our notes and Mr. Schick thought this was the best class so far! We went over the most important things and Jasmine asked us questions about our notes that we had to answer. We have a quiz tomorrow on the notes we took earlier this week. After Jasmine asked a few questions and we covered all the notes we took we watched a scene from a movie. The movie didn't really have to do with what we were learning but one part in the scene did! It had to do with Nationalism and how a man did not think America was the best nation in the world. His reasoning for this was because there are so many more nations that do a lot more things than us and make more things than us. I do agree in what they were saying in the movie because it is very true. After we watched the movie scene we talked a little about how we think that it is true that American isn't necessarily the best nation because most of us Americans just rely on others to do work for us unlike other places, for example China, all of the people from there work very hard to learn a great education and to earn the money they deserve while working.

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