Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lost Boys Test

Today in class we had a quiz. The quiz was on the documentary we watched. I forgot over the weekend we had a quiz because I forgot to write it down in my planner. Luckily we were able to use our blogs for help but unfortunately I didn't copy down all of the notes I had into my blog. I was able to answer some of the questions without the help of my blog but some I did not know the answer to and did not have any notes about it in my blog. I do think that if I wrote down the more important notes I would have done better. I do think I wrote down good notes but there are some things that I did not write down that I definitely needed for today's quiz. The quiz wasn't tremendously difficult but I wasn't happy that I did not know some of the answers. Thankfully I did well on the first test we took so if I did not do too great on this one it will not effect my grade as much. Next time we watch a documentary or are told to copy down notes I will be sure to copy down more of the important things along with other facts.

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