Thursday, October 10, 2013

information For the Test

During class today we were told we have a test tomorrow. I think the information that we will be tested on is pretty easy. So, Mr. Schick told us to take out our note books to take notes. We have to know about crude birth rate, crude death rate, the difference between immigrant and emigrant, net migration rate, pull and push forces and many more things. Crude birth rate is how many babies are born per year per 1000 people. Crude death rate is how many people die in a year per thousand. The difference between immigrant and emigrant is that an immigrant is someone that comes into a country and a emigrant is someone who is leaving a country. The net migration rate is the amount of immigrants minus emigrant or in other words, the number of people coming or going into a country per thousand. Pull forces are what makes you want to go into a country and a push force is something that makes you want to leave a country. An example of a pull force is religious freedom and job opportunities. An example of a push force is war or unemployment. We also have to know what the total fertility rate is and that is the average number of children born per women. 2.1 is the replacement rate and that means that the population stays the same and no babies are being born. The rate of natural increase is the difference from the birth rate and the death rate divided by 10. We also have to know what a population pyramid is and that is a graphical illustration showing information about population broken down by age and sex. The last piece of information we were given is that women tend to live longer than men. That is because men have more dangerous jobs than we do and women tend to take more precautions when it comes to their health and they are more in tuned to their health unlike men who aren't as careful and most of the time only go to the doctors when they have a problem that is very bad.

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