Sunday, October 20, 2013

No Teacher

We had human geo class on Friday first period. Usually, our teacher Mr. Schick is in the classroom, ready to start class as soon as the announcements are over but when we all got in the class room Mr. Schick wasn't there. We thought he was just late and all stayed in our seats, said the prayer and pledge and sat back down and waited for him to come to class. Then after about ten minutes he didn't show up! We didn't know where he was so one of us went up to the door and looked out into the hallway to see if he was there which he wasn't. We decided to just stay in our seats and talk a little but after a while we decided that one of us would go and get a teacher. The teacher we got was the Russian teacher and he was very nice. He took attendance then passed out a quiz that we had to take. Luckily it did not count as a grade because it was pretty difficult. I tried to put down the best answer I could. Mr. Schick ended up not being at school for the whole day. Hopefully he will be back this week and will be in human geo class on time Tuesday morning.

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