Saturday, October 26, 2013

One Lap Down Three To Go

One lap down three to go! On Friday we finished our test and the end of the first quarter! This year is going by so quickly! I have already made so many new friends and I'm having a great freshman year so far! I checked my grade on my test and I did not do as great as I thought I could do. I think I need to keep the studying up but study a little more now. It's crazy to think that the first quarter is over! I've ended the quarter with good grades and I's hoping to end the second quarter with even better grades! I need to keep up the good work and keep working hard in order to get the good grades I want. The next three quarters will go by pretty quickly like the first one so I don't have time to put anything off. I can get the grades that I want, I just need to work hard to get them.

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