Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Successful Ending

In class on Friday we ended up finishing the movie. I thought that the movie was great and I was very into it. In the end both John and Panther both got their bachelors degree. John built a medical clinic in his hometown and ended up finding out that his mother, father, brothers and sisters are all still alive but are living in a refugee clinic and are very sick. Panther got his diploma and wants to go back to the camp he came from to marry his girlfriend and bring her to America. Unfortunately, Daniel is in a community college and did not get to meet or locate any of his family members. John and Panther have become very successful and are trying to help their family and friends. It makes me happy knowing that even though they left the camp and have a better life they still haven't forgotten about their loved ones they left behind. They are still doing all they can to help them and make their lives better back in the camp. I wish we could have one of the lost boys come into school and talk to us because that would mean so much to me and I think that would be really cool! We have a test on the documentary on Tuesday and I think I will do a good job because I payed a lot of attention during this movie, took great notes, but still enjoyed watching it.

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