Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hinduism Project

We got our test back that we took last week. I definitely think that I could have done a lot better. We went over our tests and Mr. Schick told us that we should keep our tests and to be sure to study the answers we got wrong because we will see them again on the exam. After we checked our quizzes we got into our groups and worked on a powerpoint we had to make. My group was Drew, Payton and I. All of the groups were assigned a religion that we had to research. My group's religion was Hinduism! I already knew some stuff about the religion from the test we just took. We had to find out where they worship, what their gods are called, how many people belong to our religion and a couple of other questions. The first class we started working on this unfortunately most of the groups internet on their computer weren't working so we couldn't do any research. We got to finish up our powerpoints today and are presenting them tomorrow. I think that my groups powerpoint is pretty good and we have all the information that we need to tell the class about our religion.

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