Sunday, October 13, 2013

Finished The Test

Every Friday we have human geo class first. It was a rainy and cold day and we had a test I was not looking forward too. I was running late but thankfully I made it to class on time. Once I got to class I took out my copy book and studied really quick before the test. After the announcements Mr. Schick said that we could take the first ten minutes of class to go over our notes and if we had any questions we could ask him. I studied the night before the test and I understood all of the words. I think that I did a good job on the test. I really hope I get a good grade! Once we got the test I made sure to read the directions and take my time and made sure I didn't make any dumb mistakes. I'm really happy that even though I am playing sports I am still able to get all of my work done and get good grades. I hope when we get out tests back I have a good grade!

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