Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New Life in America

The lost boys just arrived to American and it is a gigantic change for them. There are so many things they have not seen or heard of. Once they got settled in their apartments they were shown around and were shown how to turn on a lamp, use the toilet, use the shower/sink, and even were told and got to try some foods they've never had before. I do think that the lost boys miss Kenya and their friends and family very much. They keep talking about how they wonder how their people are doing and if they can send them something from America and how they can help them and they only wish that they all could experience the life they are living now. It is a big change and difference for them but  I think that they are adjusting pretty well. The boys were given their social security cards and were told they were given 90 days to find a job. They were all very excited and said that they would be so grateful if someone were to hire them. I think that even though this is a huge change for them I think that they will all fit in and adjust quickly.

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