Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Emmy Award

Today was a lot more special than the other human geo classes I've had. I got to hold an emmy today! A man who has won several awards was here in our school today! It was really cool because Mr. Schick brought it in and we were allowed to take pictures of us with it on our phones. I got a picture with Hailey and I and also with Stephanie, Carly, Jazz, Sarah, Payton and Steven! I've never seen an emmy and it was so awesome to see one today and also hold it! After we finished taking pictures we played a game that was on Mr. Schick's blog that had to do with microfinance. I thought that was pretty cool too because we got to work in a group or with a partner. I never thought today I would get to hold and see an Emmy award! I thought it was really awesome and something I won't forget.

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