Friday, November 8, 2013

Extra Three Points

We took the retake for our test and went over the answers. I ended up doing better than I did last time and then got an extra three points! When we were going over the answers we realized that the computer checking our tests marked a problem wrong when it wasn't! The whole class put A for the answer for number 30 and we all got it wrong. Mr. Schick said that he would change it and we would all get an extra three points. I got an 83 but now I have an 86 because of that! I definitely think that I did a lot better on the retake than I did on the first test. I think for the next test and all the other tests I need to study more because next time I may not get a second chance. I was very great full that Mr. Schick let us take a retake but I know I will not get that next time or for every test. I will study a lot more and take very good notes so next time I can do a lot better and keep my grades up.

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