Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More Notes On the Leaders

Like our other classes we took notes today. We continued our note taking on the countries leaders. We aren't quite done with our note taking yet but were almost there. Mr. Schick has a power point that he put together with facts about all the leaders. A couple of the notes I already had but some I didn't have and also didn't know about that leader! For example, Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, who is the leader of Saudi Arabia, has 22 children and many wives. His last son was born when he was 79 years old. Also, the leader of Mexico has has two affairs and most of his kids are from different women. We still have a few more countries to go but I think once we are finished taking notes there will be a test coming up soon. It's going to be a lot to remember because there are a lot of leaders and many facts about them. If I start studying in advance I think I will do okay. I need to keep my grade up so that means I have to do well on my tests and quizzes.

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