Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Open Notes Quiz Returned

We took a little break from learning about microfinance to go over our test on the world leaders that we got back. I did not do as well as I thought I did. I still passed which I am happy about but I didn't get a very high grade like I was expecting. Some of the questions I got confused on because when it asked for the country I put the leader. I think I should have read the questions more clearly. I had all of the information I needed but what also threw me off was the world map. I got one or two questions wrong because it was hard to tell which country on the map they were talking about. I was still really happy that I got more time to finish my test completely. That definitely helped with my grade because if I did not have extra time I would have gotten a really bad grade! I wasn't happy with the grade I got on this test but next time I will read the questions more clearly so I won't make the silly mistakes I made this time.

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