Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Political Geography

federal republic
leader: Enrique Peña Nieto 

  • hasn't been in office for long
  • oldest of 4 siblings
  • came from a middle class family 
  • graduated as a lawyer 
  • his wife died as a epileptic episode in 2007 
  • he told many people to call him the Teflon candidate because nothing seemed to stick with him (trouble doesn't seem to stick with him)
  • had two affairs and kids with different women 
  • hes like the JFK of Mexico 
  • his wife Monica and him had three kids 

Communist state
Leader: Xi Jinping
  • highly educated 
  • only received one vote against him 
  • married to a famous Chinese singer 
  • they have a daughter who is attending Harvard University in the US
  • china is a communist state 
  • china has control of all the cell towers 
  • blocked google 
  • he holds a high rank of army general in 1987
  • he was the son of the man that founded the communist 

federal republic
Leader: Pranab Mukherjee

  • he was rated as one of the best finance ministers of the world in 1984 and was adjudged the best parliamentarian in 1997
  • had a conflict with Idira who was assassinated 
  • taught political science at the Vidiyanagar College 
  • worked as a journalist 
  • wrote many books
  • hes one of the best finance ministers in the world 
  • taught science at Vineyard College  

Islamic republic
Leader: Hamid Karzai

  • he can speak many different languages 
  • he emerged as a resistance leader under Taliban rule 
  • he warned the US that the Taliban were connected with al Qaeda and that they were planning to attack the US
  • 5 different languages

federal republic
Leader: Joachim Gauck

  • The Chancellor is Angela Merkel 
  • Angela Merkel graduated from University pf Leipzig in 1978 
  • she is more important 
  • has a degree in physics and physical chemistry 
  • earned a PhD in quantum chemistry 
  • has been chancellor since November 2005 
  • has the top spot on the FORBES list of Most Powerful Women In The World
  • he warned us about the attacks of 9/11 
  • he is married but doesn't own any land or money 

Constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm
Leader: David Cameron

  • also Queen Elizabeth 
  • David is the Prime Minister of the whole UK
  • Queen Elizabeth fell in love at the age of 13
  • shes been on the thrown for 60 years 
  • David is the youngest Prime Minister 
  • David has had a very fortunate life 
  • his first son had a very sick life and only made it to 6 years old 
  • his sons name was Ivan 
  • David rides his bike to work
  • youngest prime minister in over 200 years (hes 43)

Leader: Jean-Marc Ayrault

  • headed by Francois Hollande 
  • hes for gay rights and tried to push it into France
  • married for 30 years with 4 kids then divorced 
  • no previous experience in a national government position 
  • was a child of parents with totally different political views 

Federal republic
Leader: Dilma Rousseff

  • had cancer multiple times 
  • was tortured for many years 
  • married multiple times and divorced twice 
  • degree in economics 
  • she went to prison 
  • the torture didn't make her crack or break down completely 
  • divorced a couple times
  • has a degree in economics 
  • she underwent chemotherapy 

Federal republic
Leader: Nicolas Maduro Moros

  • Venezuela has a lot of oil
  • the man before Moros (Huge Chaves) wanted to get into a fist fight with President Bush 
  • Moros used to be a bus driver 
  • after Chaves won third term in October 2012 he was picked to serve as vice president 
  • Chaves died on March 5, 2013 from Cancer Moros took over 
  • hes only been in office for about 6 months 

Saudi Arabia
Leader:  Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

  • he was the 10th son 
  • he is 93 years old 
  • he has 22 children 
  • he has many wives
  • he had the youngest child when he was 79
  • he is worth approximately 21 billion dollars 
  • probably got his money from oil 
  • he was in the national guard 
  • in March 2008 he visited Pope Benedict in the Apostolic Palace 
  • in 2011 he granted women the right to vote and run in future municipal elections 
  • he was in the National Guard 

Theocratic republic
Leader: Hassan Rouhani
  • also ruled by supreme leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei 
  • married to his cousin who is 6 years younger than him 
  • when he was younger he too part in street protests against the US-backed Shah of Iran 
  • was elected President of Iran in 1981 
  • he took part in street protests against 
  • has been supreme leader for about 24 years 
  • he did not want to be like Ahmadinejad 
  • he was crazy and radical 
  • he told people that the holocaust did not happen and they were lies 
  • thinks that Israel should not exist and the Jews should be taken out and forced to live somewhere else or be killed 

Parliamentary democracy
Leader: Shimon Peres

  • prime minister is Binyamin Netanyahu 
  • being head of Israel is one of the hardest jobs in the world 
  • they have had armed guards on every flight going in and out of their country 
  • Netanyahu lived in the US as a child and his brother was killed 
  • Peres was given the Nobel Peace Prize 
  • he was born in Belarus
  • he was fled to Palestine in 1934 to escape the persecution of Jews
  • he was given responsibility for securing the military equipment for Israel 
  • he organized Israel's nuclear program 
  • while being Israels Minister of Foreign Affairs he was in charge of the Israeli negotiations 
  • he started peace talks with the Palestinians 
  • his brother was killed in July 1976 in the course of the Entebbe Operation 


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