Friday, January 17, 2014

Last Class!

Today was our last class of the first semester. We had a test to finish off the year. The average score of all the tests was an 80. During class, after we all finished, Mr. Schick went down to the office to grade our tests and we got to see what we got. This class was a really fun class and I still have Mr. Schick next semester. I don't know what west civilization is going to be like but I don't think it will be much different from next semester. I had a good class this semester and I also have a good class next semester! I hope I'll be able to get a better grade in West Civ than what I got in Human Geo. I liked that we got to have a student teacher once and a while but I think we should have done more group work instead of just taking notes everyday. The google docs were a lot of fun too and helped doing projects and made it a lot easier! I was happy we did not have that much homework throughout the year and the blogs were an easy grade. I'm going to miss this year because it was a lot of fun but I also can't wait for West Civ! 

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