Thursday, January 16, 2014

For the Test...

  • animals need to be social to be domesticated
  • zebras can't be domesticated because they are skiddish and nervous animals 
  • all of the 14 animals that can help us, none of them are from Papa Newguinea and Africa
  • South America only has 1 of the domesticated animals, Lama
  • all the others are from North Africa, Europe, Asia
  • town of Gware- 9,000 years old 
  • people taught themselves how to make plaster
  • settlements were abandoned in fertile crescent
  • fertile crescent stretched laterally the same distance opposite directions so: vegetation, weather, and day time were all equal 
  • Drah has grainery 
  • Papa Newquinea- between Asia and Australia 
  • moved out of Mesopotamia: got dry
  • domesticated plants: easy to grow/store/nutritiousness
  • 14 domesticated animals 
  • domesticated animals: herbivore/over 100 lb/ has kids at young age/high archy/gets along with humans 

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