Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Guns, Germs and Steel (continued)

  • various places that are able to grow crops
    • China: rice
    • America: corn, beans, squash
    • Africa: sorgum, yams 
    • Papa Newguinea: sago
  • only allowed to live on the settlement if they became more productive 
  • animal waste can be used as fertilizer
  • goats and sheep are the first domesticated animals 
  • if you want to have good domesticated animals you need to have animals that are able to give birth around the age of one or two
  • Diamond counted 148 plant eating animals, over 100 pounds that are able to be domesticated:
    • goats
    • sheep
    • pigs
    • cows
    • horse
    • donkeys 
    • camels (2 kinds)
    • water buffalo
    • lama 
    • reindeer
    • yaks 
    • mithans 
    • cattle 

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