Thursday, December 12, 2013

Preparing for Exams

What to know:
  • population pyramids 
  • three basic shapes:
      • the christmas tree:
        • growth rates are slow
        • high birth rate
        • short life expectancy 
          • Africa, Namibia, Bangladesh 
      • the box:
        • low infant mortality 
        • high birth rate 
        • short life expectancy 
          • Sweden, USA
      • the cup:
        • low birth rate 
        • shrinking population 
        • long life expectancy 
          • Italy, Japan, Germany 
    • crude death rate- number of deaths per 1000 of the population
    • crude birth rate- how many babies are born per year per 1000
    • rate of natural increase- subtracting the death rate from the birth rate then divide by 10
    • net migration rate- difference between the number of emigrants and immigrants
    • immigrant- someone coming into a country
    • emigrant- someone leaving a country 
    • total fertility rate- average number if children born per women 
      • if 2.1 the population will stay the same  
        • over 7 billion people on earth 
        • 90% of the population growth takes place in developing countries: Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America 
  • cultural geography 
    • world leaders 
  • essay:
    • write about what I've learned about in these 5 sections 
  • agora- a place where people met
  • arete- excellence, taking pride
  • polis- name for Green city state 
  • year 508 BC- when the Greeks over threw their government 
  • Socrates- philosopher, ugly 
  • the socratic method- questioned everything, asked why a lot 
  • the death of Socrates- his tyrant was put to exile of was to drink poison, he was a threat
  • he was charged for- corrupting the youth of Athens disrespecting the Gods 
  • his famous saying: the un-examined life is not worth living 
  • an interconnection of different parts of the world it results in the expansion of international cultural economic and political activities 
  • infrastructure- our country has more money and more advantages and other countries want what we have and if they has what we have they could participate in the world economy but they can't 
Letter to Garcia:
  • written by President McKinley 
  • asked Roan to go find Garcia 
  • letter was written by Albert Gubberd
General Garcia 
  • general in Cuba 
  • during Sanish-american war
  • hid in jungle 
  • Jim Keady- got fired from his job because he refused to wear Nike symbols/ apparel 
  • strong willed man
  • co-director and founder of Educating for Justice 
  • Leslie Kretzu- co-founder of Educating for Justice
  • went with Jim to the village where people who worked for Nike live
  • went to Indonesia 
  • workers were paid $1.25 a day
  • Nike headquarters- Jakarta Indonesia 

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