Sunday, December 15, 2013

Exam information

What to know:

  • population pyramids 
  • three basic shapes:
      • the christmas tree:
        • growth rates are slow
        • high birth rate
        • short life expectancy 
          • Africa, Namibia, Bangladesh 
      • the box:
        • low infant mortality 
        • high birth rate 
        • short life expectancy 
          • Sweden, USA
      • the cup:
        • low birth rate 
        • shrinking population 
        • long life expectancy 
          • Italy, Japan, Germany 
    • crude death rate- number of deaths per 1000 of the population
    • crude birth rate- how many babies are born per year per 1000
    • rate of natural increase- subtracting the death rate from the birth rate then divide by 10
    • net migration rate- difference between the number of emigrants and immigrants
    • immigrant- someone coming into a country
    • emigrant- someone leaving a country 
    • total fertility rate- average number of children born per women 
      • if 2.1 the population will stay the same (replacement rate)
        • over 7 billion people on earth 
        • 90% of the population growth takes place in developing countries: Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America 
    • The world is expanding faster than we know it
  • cultural geography 
    • world leaders 
    • examples: language, religion, ethnic heritage  
  • political geography
o   look for people who have a strong economic background
  • language:
o   Brazil is the only South American nation which does not speak Spanish. It speaks Portuguese
o   Canada is a bilingual nation: English and French
o   Switzerland has multiple languages
o   English is the language for business around the world
o   If you speak multiple languages you can be culturally aware
·        Ethnic Heritage:
o   Yugoslavia has many ethnic groups: Serbs, Croats, Boshains
o   US and Switzerland have merged multiple ethnic groups in their country
o   Korea and Japan primarily have one ethnic group
·        Religion
o   Can be both unifying and disunifying
o   Five major religions
§  Hinduism
§  Buddhism
§  Judaism
§  Christianity
§  Islam
·        Jews are known as decedents of Abraham
·        EU- European union
·        OPEC
·        NAFTO
·        NATO
·        Nationalism- the belief that your nation is superior to all others
·        Economic differences:
o   Fertile land
o   Access to fresh water
o   Access to the coast
o   Fishing rights
o   Natural resources
o   Different economic philosophies
  • essay:
    • write about what was learned about in these 5 sections 
    • what did you learn
    • what does it mean
  • agora- a place where people met
  • arete- excellence, taking pride
  • polis- name for Green city state 
  • year 508 BC- when the Greeks over threw their government 
  • Socrates- philosopher, ugly 
  • the socratic method- questioned everything, asked why a lot 
  • the death of Socrates- his tyrant was put to exile of was to drink poison, he was a threat
  • he was charged for- corrupting the youth of Athens disrespecting the Gods 
  • his famous saying: the un-examined life is not worth living 
  • an interconnection of different parts of the world it results in the expansion of international cultural economic and political activities 
  • infrastructure- our country has more money and more advantages and other countries want what we have and if they has what we have they could participate in the world economy but they can't 
  • pull force- something that makes you want to come to a country
o   religious freedom
o   job opportunities
o   good health services
o   political freedom
·        push forces- something that makes you want to leave a country
o   civil war
o   environmental degradation
o   unemployment or underemployment
o   religious/ ethnic persecution
Letter to Garcia:
  • written by President McKinley 
  • asked Roan to go find Garcia 
  • letter was written by Albert Gubberd
General Garcia 
  • general in Cuba 
  • during Sanish-american war
  • hid in jungle 
  • Jim Keady- got fired from his job because he refused to wear Nike symbols/ apparel 
  • strong willed man
  • co-director and founder of Educating for Justice 
  • Leslie Kretzu- co-founder of Educating for Justice
  • went with Jim to the village where people who worked for Nike live
  • went to Indonesia 
  • workers were paid $1.25 a day
  • Nike headquarters- Jakarta Indonesia 

Microfinance- general term to describe financial services to low- income individuals or those who do not have access to typical banking services

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Preparing for Exams

What to know:
  • population pyramids 
  • three basic shapes:
      • the christmas tree:
        • growth rates are slow
        • high birth rate
        • short life expectancy 
          • Africa, Namibia, Bangladesh 
      • the box:
        • low infant mortality 
        • high birth rate 
        • short life expectancy 
          • Sweden, USA
      • the cup:
        • low birth rate 
        • shrinking population 
        • long life expectancy 
          • Italy, Japan, Germany 
    • crude death rate- number of deaths per 1000 of the population
    • crude birth rate- how many babies are born per year per 1000
    • rate of natural increase- subtracting the death rate from the birth rate then divide by 10
    • net migration rate- difference between the number of emigrants and immigrants
    • immigrant- someone coming into a country
    • emigrant- someone leaving a country 
    • total fertility rate- average number if children born per women 
      • if 2.1 the population will stay the same  
        • over 7 billion people on earth 
        • 90% of the population growth takes place in developing countries: Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America 
  • cultural geography 
    • world leaders 
  • essay:
    • write about what I've learned about in these 5 sections 
  • agora- a place where people met
  • arete- excellence, taking pride
  • polis- name for Green city state 
  • year 508 BC- when the Greeks over threw their government 
  • Socrates- philosopher, ugly 
  • the socratic method- questioned everything, asked why a lot 
  • the death of Socrates- his tyrant was put to exile of was to drink poison, he was a threat
  • he was charged for- corrupting the youth of Athens disrespecting the Gods 
  • his famous saying: the un-examined life is not worth living 
  • an interconnection of different parts of the world it results in the expansion of international cultural economic and political activities 
  • infrastructure- our country has more money and more advantages and other countries want what we have and if they has what we have they could participate in the world economy but they can't 
Letter to Garcia:
  • written by President McKinley 
  • asked Roan to go find Garcia 
  • letter was written by Albert Gubberd
General Garcia 
  • general in Cuba 
  • during Sanish-american war
  • hid in jungle 
  • Jim Keady- got fired from his job because he refused to wear Nike symbols/ apparel 
  • strong willed man
  • co-director and founder of Educating for Justice 
  • Leslie Kretzu- co-founder of Educating for Justice
  • went with Jim to the village where people who worked for Nike live
  • went to Indonesia 
  • workers were paid $1.25 a day
  • Nike headquarters- Jakarta Indonesia 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reviewing Microfinance Quiz

We got our Microfinance test back and we decided to go over them. I did not do as well as I thought I would. I think that I could have done a lot better. Some of the answers were close but one or two of them were dumb mistakes that I knew, I just put the wrong answer. After we reviewed the test we talked a little about the exams. We asked Mr. Schick if we were going to get a review sheet for our exam but he said no. I wasn't too happy about that but that just means that I will need to study everything that I have written down in my note book or typed on my computer.That is why over the weekend I got all of my information together from all of my subjects and organized them so I will have everything I need to study. I have already started looking over some of my subjects but I still have a few note cards to make and a few things to organize. I need to make sure that I study all the material in my notes and on our tests we got back to be able to do well on my exam. Doing well on exams can bring your grade up but if you do poorly on them it can seriously affect your grade.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Microfinance Quiz

We had our test today on microfinance. I thought it was actually really easy! I think I did really good on it too. One or two of the questions I wasn't positive about the answer but most of them I was. We had to know some numbers also but I made sure to study them really well. In class Mr. Schick went down to the office and graded our tests and when he comes back we will be able to figure out what we got. I really hope that I get a good grade because I want to pull up all my grades. Mr. Schick just got back and he said our average was 90%. We had a shadow in our class and he got to take the test too. I really hope that I get a good grade so I can pull up my grade.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Notes for Microfinance Quiz

microfinance- a form of financial services for entrepreneurs and a small businesses lacking access to banking or related services 

microloan- a small loan given to people who may not have access to a typical banking service 

  • usually to start or expand small, self-sufficient businesses 
 philanthropy is the generous donation of money to good causes, and Bill and Melinda Gates are the second greatest philanthropists in history ($28 billion, ⅓ of their wealth)
                    -they support research and development for a vaccine, diagnostics, and mosquito-control measures  -  like mosquito nets!
Who provides microloans?

  • As of November 26, 2013, Kiva has distributed $498,939,550 in loans from 1,015,823 lenders to 1,177,248 borrowers
  • A total of 637,003 loans have been funded through Kiva
  • The average loan size is $410.89
  • The average Kiva user has made 10.06 loans
  • Kiva's current repayment rate for all its partners is 99.01% !

Who recieves microloans? 

  • microentrepreneurs who are trying to start (or kickstart!) a small business
  • villagers needing to fund a clinic, hospital, or other health care facility (malaria treatment, drugs, hypos, refrigerators, sanitation)
  • teachers trying to run a school (buying anything from books and pencils to desks and chairs) 
  • students wanting to further their education (college tuition)
problems with microloans 

  • high interest rates sometimes as high as 23%
  • The cost of providing banking services to those living in poverty is high. Being the company that provides tiny loans can be expensive.
  • What’s harder and more time-consuming to process: one $500,000 loan, or five hundred $1000 loans?   
microloans are help
  • banking services are often unavailable to poor people - microloans fill a gap
  • it’s not just loans, but also insurance, legal representation, and help with financial planning that become available
  • these are all important to people who are trying to break the cycle of poverty
  • but poverty is a huge problem with no easy solutions
  • there are many challenges faced by developing nations some of these can be alleviated through microloans
  • substandard education ($ can help purchase supplies, buy books, pay teachers)
  • poor health care ($ can help buy supplies, construct new/better buildings, deal with malaria)
speaking of malaria... 
  • comes from the phrase "bad air"
  • It’s a mosquito-borne infectious disease
  • humans and animals can be infected through the bite of a female mosquito
  • no vaccine exists   :(
  • it kills around 665,000 people a year, many of them children in sub-Saharan Africa
  • mosquito nets can be effective
  • (Thank you, Bill Gates)
  • Bill and Malinda Gates have the most amount of mosquito nets 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Test Questions

 Test Questions for Human Geo    
                   Steven Kucther, Hailey Ishak, Ellie Gottschalk, Stephanie Imbierowicz, Carly Schofield.

1. who is microfinance used for ? - it is used for people to start up a business or to keep a business going or just to help people who need a small loan.
2. what is a common use for a micro loan? - starting up new businesses, products, clinics, machinery, furniture, and schools  
3.What is a microloan? Loans people money to help them get a kick start in a small business that they think will be beneficial to their village or town
4.what is mocrofinance? A general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or those who do not have access to typical banking services.
5. Who has the most supply of mosquitoes nets? Bill and Melinda Gates
6.what is the difference between developing countries and developed countries?- developing usually have lower levels of affluence and higher levels of unemployment, developed countries have the
7. what is malaria?  - malaria is a wide spreading disease that is transmitted by getting from a mosquitos
8.why do poor people pay more for loans? -micro lenders don’t get paid as much so poor people have to pay higher loans
9. What is a microlender? An organization that makes business loans to individuals who arent able to obtain financing from traditional lenders.
10.In developing countries the majority of the population is? Poor
11. How is giving Microloans better than just regular donations to charity? This way you're not just giving them many for no reason but you're giving them a kick start to make a successful business and in the end it’s their responsibility to pay you back for your help.
12.give 3 problems in developing countries that can be solved by microloans: malaria, drought, clean water

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Microfinance continued

microfinance- is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services.

microloan- loans people money to help them them get a kickstart in a small business that they think will be beneficial to their village or town.

  • microloans help:
    • investments in infrastructure
    • education
    • legal reforms
  • what microfinance does:
    • provides people who don’t have the money to get a loan to start a business
    • It helps small businesses start up and stay running
    • it is an opportunity for the people less fortunate to have something they may not be able to afford
    • it allows people to build up their assets
  • in developing countries the majority of the people are poor
  • poor people are the least likely to be helped by regular banks
  • problems microfinance can help:
    • malaria
    • drought
    • clean water
        • * Bill and Malinda Gates have the most supply of mosquito nets*
  • loans help people..
    • with small businesses to get a kick start on what they want to do
    • they may get...
      • funds
      • structure investments
      • housing
      • help for the economy in small areas near by
  • with more small businesses there won't be as many large corporations
    • this means...:
      • This means that wildlife areas in villages will be healthier because of reduced fumes from factories. 
      • This means that people will have a better quality of living. Areas that are consumed by large corporations have pollutants in the air and unhealthy living conditions 
  • Microlender- is an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders. Microlenders typically charge higher-than-average interest rates; their maximum loan is usually $25,000 or less. Recipients of micro-loans are typically individuals in poverty or in development zones in the U.S., or who live in developing nations.